Chamet Agency Registration
Become Chamet Agent
Become Chamet Agent Company
How to Create Chamet Agency ?
How to Become Chamet Agent ?
How to Open your Chamet company ?
If you are hoping to become Chamet Agent, you can start your chamet agent company from home and earn a good chamet commission, you can create your Chamet agency today just by following some steps:
1 What is a Chamet App ?
Chamet App - Live Video Chat & Meet & Party Rooms is a mobile application exists only on android system, it allows users to make new friends around the world at anytime they want through using :
- 1Private video calls
- 2Face 2 face
- 3Chat 1v1
- 4Random match
- 5Live streaming or Party rooms
The Chamet system has all the features that hostesses and agents need in this industry. As a Chamet agent, you must know all the tricks of the chamet app and understand how to use them, on the other hand, you would teach your hostesses how to obtain maximum income. (but don't worry, I'll show you all the steps in detail through the screenshots).
2 How to create your Chamet agency ?
If you want to start your own chamet agency you need to register now your chamet agent company through this link and fill out the form.
Click on this link or the button to get Chamet Agency Registration form.

3 Chamet Agency Management System

Chamet provides you with your own dashboard agency management system, which guides and helps you monitor and control your progress, when you login to your chamet agent company dashboard (please save it to not lose it)
- 1Bind or Edit your Payment bank informations.
- 2Bind / Ad new hosts and New Sub-Agents.
- 3Monitor your hostesses, worked hours and check earnings on a daily basis.
- 4Monitor your commission ratio's progress.
- 5Get the latest news an notifications relate to Chamet Agency work, or updates on Chamet Mobile App.
3-1 Login to Chamet Agency Dashboard
This is where you will do most of the administrative work required for your Chamet agency.
here is the direct link to connect to your Chamet agent management system ( ) use your username + password

4 Chamet Mobile download
Click below to download chamet app or share it with your hosts :
NB : Chamet application doesn't in AppStore IOS.
5 How to Bind Host to your Chamet Agency?
There are two different methods of adding a new host to your Chamet agency and will be linked to your agency.
5-1 The first method : Invitation link :
The first technique to link your future hostesses to your Chamet agency is simply to send them your "Hostess invitation link", imperatively must link their phone numbers (it must be correct) and create a Chamet account with the same number . your hostess will be automatically added to your agency.
Here is how it works :

When your new host open your invitation link, she needs to do this :

Your host have to fill this form to join your team :
When she finish this form, ask her to Download Chamet App from Google play Store and register new account using the same Phone number like this :

- 1Click on More Option
- 2Click on Phone
- 3Put her phone number (be carreful, phone number must be same used on invitation lik form) + confirm OTP code received through SMS
- 4Choose Female (be carreful, you can not change that after registration)
- 5Enter Birthday
- 6Upload beautiful Profile picture
- 7Choose Nickname
- 8Click on Complete That's it!
If your future host follows exactly those steps, she will be automatically your chamet hostess and will be bind to your agency, She can be able to start working
5-2 The Second method : Bind with ID :
The second method of linking your future hosts to your Chamet agency is to ask your girl to send you her ID on the Chamet App+ her phone number linked to her current account.
Here is how it works:

- 1Ask the girl to Download Chamet Application from Google play store.
- 2Ask your host to create new account with Phone Number.
Ask her to go to her Profile > My Profile, Copy her Chamet ID and send it to you.

Then you will follow these steps to Bind her to your chamet agency dashboard :
You will need her Chamet ID + her Phone number
Click to login your Chamet dahsboard

After that, Your Host will receive a request to Join your Agency
Ask her go to Profile > My Earning she have to Click on "AGREE"

6 How your host will start work on chamet app?
When your Chamet host is linked to your chamet agency, there is an imperative step that must be taken before starting to work in the chamet app.
There are many ways to earn money in Chamet App, which you can see below :
6-1 How to make Face verification on Chamet app?

Chamet Face verification process :
- 1Ask your host to open chamet app
- 2Go settings and click Earnings > My Wallet
- 3Click on Face Verification
- 4Then Followsthe quick steps
After the Chamet face verification si complete, now your host be able to start working.
6-2 How to earn money on Chamet app?
After you host finish The face verification succefully, check if she use a good profile picture and description, all of that must following Chamet rules and policy.

There's multiple features on chamet :
- 1Live streaming to interact with multiple Chamet users at the same time, they can send you gifts or call you via 1 to 1 video calling for more fun.
- 2Random Match allows hosts to meet more Chamet users and everyone decides to skip or continue with a private call.
- 3Party Room is a great camet feature allowing multiple Chamet hosts to broadcast live together.
For all 3 private calls and bring gifts to your Chamet host. Your host earns beans for every minute during a private call (video chat 1 to 1), and each gift sent has a specific bean value (beans = $ ....)
The more time your host spends on the call, the better they will earn
6-3 How to change the private call price per minute?

Your Chamet host receive private calls and get paid for every minute spent.
your host can choose her own private call price :
7 Chamet Payment - Arripay
Chamet payout method for agents depends on your country. You will find at least one of those depending on your country :
8 Settlement and payment Method
The time point of settlement is every Monday at 5:00 a.m. (UTC + 8) contains what you won from Monday to Sunday gets paid the following Thursday (sometimes it takes a day or more).
This means that Chamet app sends your commission automatically every Thursday, so you don't have to do anything as an agent. In addition, Chamet fully deducts The Beans from the host accounts after payment has been sent.
9 Chamet Host Salary Chart
1.200 Diamonds/Minute.
(Girls can change the Chat Price as they wish)
10.000 Beans = $1
Beans | Income ($) |
100.000 | $10 |
200.000 | $20 |
300.000 | $30 |
400.000 | $40 |
500.000 | $50 |
1.000.000 | $100 |
1.500.000 | $150 |
2.000.000 | $200 |
10 Chamet Agency Commission Ratio
Chamet agent company daily Commission ratio is determined by your hostesses and your sub-agents total earnings in the recent 30 days:
For new agents (Registration duration is less than 30 days), the agent daily commission ratio is determined by your hostesses and sub-agents total earnings from your registration day to yesterday
Class | Total earnings in the recent 30 days | Commission Ratio % |
A | > = $500 | 5 % |
B | $ 1500 | 10 % |
C | $ 5000 | 15 % |
D | $ 15.000 | 18 % |
E | $ 50.000 | 20 % |
F | $ 150.000 | 22 % |
G | $ 500.000 | 24 % |
H | $ 1.500.000 | 26 % |
K | $ 50.000.000 | 30 % |
Any secrets ?
your revenue will grow by increasing the number of sub-agents, which is Chamet most significant feature.
11 How to invite sub-agents to Chamet :
By inviting new Sub-agents to join your team, you get higher weekly earnings, which mean higher commission ratio !
After creating your chamet agent account, you can now send your own link to invite other agents like you who want to work with Chamet and get their own dashboard like you.
You can find your invitation lin for Agents here:

11-1 Who are Chamet Sub-agents?
Chamet sub-agents are simply other agents that you have invited to join you on the Chamet adventure from your invite link that exists in your dashboard. Because all new agents must be invited by others so when you invite a new agent Chamet, you will be their top agent. He has his own dashboard and he can manage his own team independently, and will receive his commission directly from Chamet.
What's the profit ?
Your commission rate as an Agent is based on the total revenue generated by hosts and sub-agents in your agency.
Your commission ratio % will be determined each week depending on the total revenue of your agency.
Example :
Let's say you have 4 sub-agents.
The first one, his total income is 1500$ so her ratio is 15%.
The Second, his income is 500$ so his ratio is 10%.
The Third, his income also 500$ so his ratio is 10%.
The Forth, his income is 5000$ so his ratio is 20%.
Moreover, let's say you have no girls, just sub-agents. Here is the calculation of your Commission:
The total Revenue of you and your sub-agents is 1500+500+500+5000=7500$, so your ratio is 20%.
Then your commission from each sub-agent is like this :
The First sub-agent : 20% - 15% = 5% x 1500=75$,
The Second : 20% - 10% = 10% x 500=50$.
The Third : 20% - 10% = 10% x 500=50$.
The Forth : 20% - 20% = 0$, no commission from him.
Thus, in total, you will have 75+50+50+0= 175$ commission from these sub-agents and you need to do nothing.
If you have direct Hosts also and they earned 1500$, and your current commission ratio is 20% since what we mentioned previously. Therefore, you can get 1500 x 20%=300$ commission from your Hosts part.
Your revenue will grow by increasing the number of sub-agents, which is Chamet most significant feature.
12 Roadmap for your success as Chamet Agent company
We prefer to end by giving you a GOLDEN TIP, when you start your own agency Chamet forces you to work smart, there are a lot of people who could open new agency with Chamet but unfortunately they don't know how to run their Agency and how to make it profitable.
Follow this road map after creating your Chamet Agency :- 1First 2 weeks : Focus on Recruiting 20-30 Hosts during the first week, and make sure they are active everyday and explain to them Policies, (what they have to do & what they don't).
- 2During the 3th & 4th week : Start recruiting Sub-agents, and explain to them everything honestly. But Also keep recruiting Hosts. (You can hire someone to do that for you).
- 3By the end of the first Month : You need to reach this target ( 70 Hosts - 30 sub-agents ) keep in mind that your commission will grow week after week.
If you follow this process (for 3 months) you will be able to reach $500 - $ 1500 commission weekly.
You can improve your Earnings by repeating the same process.
This screenshot is one of a Chamet Agents weekly earnings commission :

13 Chamet Agency Policies
Please Read all Chamet Agency Rules and policies related to Chamet agent work, Hostesses work, commission, salaries.. You can download this PDF :
14 Chamet Standars and rules for Host :
Some serious violations would cause strict punishment such as ban the hostess from Chamet app, confiscation of related agency’s commission.
Standards of Profile Picture :
Rules during the Live Mode :
Rules during Private Video Calls :
Last but not least, Chamet live app artificial intelligence system helps us to do these inspections and it is very sensitive, so please inform your hostesses to avoid unqualified behaviors. Moreover, our AI system also can detect out hostesses who are not able to earn and stop distributing calls to them, so you should not recruit hostesses who are not good at this profession to us because they will be dismissed anyway.
15 Frequently Asked Questions
As an Agent, Chamet will send to you your earnings automatically every Thursday - if the amount is minimum $10, if not, it will be accumulated with the next cycle (nothing lost)
It depend on the agent's country.
- Agents from INDIA & EGYPT : Commission + Girls Salaries.
- Agents from other countries : ONLY agency commission. (salaries are sent by chamet directly to each girl "hostess")
Chamet payout method for agents depends on the agent country, (you will find at least one of them depending on your country) :
when you access your agent on-board system, click on Member List -> Hostess list, please see on the right that each hostess has a confirmed account

If you want to delete your chamet account, just open the app and go to setting after that click on About Us, you will find below the Delete Account button that it!
NB: Your account will be deleted permanently after 15 days
Chamet app didn't exist anymore on appstore (IOS)